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Basic Assessment and Home program of Autistic Child

 Name : XyZ

Age/SEX  :- 6 years /M

DOB :- 11 APRIL -2016 

ORDER OF baby :- first  child 

Birth cry  "- yes 

NICU    : 15 DAYS for low sugar 

Diagnosis  :- ADHD

At the age of 3 and half parents were not aware of he has any problem  

He achieved has achieved neck control and sitting around 8months 

He has 

He has start walking at age of 1 year  6 months

Problem List

Poor Eye contact 

Poor balance  

Impulsive behaviour 

Rare bitting habit when he got angry 

 echolalia : meaningless repetition of another person's spoken words

Speech speaking incomprehensive words

Eating  habits.. he used to prefer sweet ,  he don't  like bitter 

not point at objects to show interest (for example, not point at an airplane

flying over)

not look at objects when another person points at them

have trouble relating to others or not have an interest in other people at all

Poor eye contact and want to be alone

have trouble understanding other people’s feelings or talking about their own


appear to be unaware when people talk to them, but respond to other

not play “pretend” games (for example, not pretend to “feed” a doll)

have trouble adapting when a routine changes

lose skills they once had (for example, stop saying words they were using)

Not sitting at one place for long time

Gross motor 

Poor one leg standing balance

Poor jumping and hooping 

What he know 

He used to indicate for toilet 

He used to indicate for food and water  whenever he need 

Therapy management

Deep Pressure using swiss ball

Gross motor activity

Kicking ball

Pulling pushing

Arrange book and utensils

Jumping from one circle to another circle

Stepping over low to high obstacle

Crossing obstacles

Sounds recognition

Target hitting

hop like a frog

crawl like a puppy

jump like a kangaroo

walk like a crab

Stacking Cups

What you need: Cups.

What to do: This is just as simple as it seems- stack up the cups! Not only is this great for

hand/eye coordination, you can also work on gross motor skills! Work in tall kneeling or half

kneeling to make a large tower, work on single leg balance by kicking over the cups once

stacked. Practice jumping over a row of the cups

. Standing on Pillows

What you need: Pillows.

What to do: Standing on a pillow is an awesome way to challenge a child’s balance! Line up

some pillows and have kids walk from one to the other, challenging them to try not to fall off

onto the floor.


It’s so easy to get stuck using only rice or grain. To prevent a huge mess,

play on top of a shower curtain.


tissue paper pieces


buttons and beads

Writen and edit by

Dr Akshay Raj Chandra

Consultant Pediatric Physiotherapist

Ph +917827068869


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