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Note:  This is a General physiotherapy home program that is applicable to all children suffering from a motor disability  such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, cerebral stroke, Dandy-Walker Syndrome, etc



Stretching of the following muscle 

 B/L medial hamstring 

B/L Adductor 

B/L hip flexor iliopsoas 

B/L T A  ( calf muscle )

 Strengthening exercises 

Selective movement 

Active muscle strengthening 

Weight culf oriented strengthening 

Theraband oriented strengthening 

Functional strengthening 

Of the following muscle 

Bilateral hamstring 

Bilateral quadriceps 

Bilateral hip flexor 

Bilateral hip extensor 

Bilateral dorsiflexor 

Truncal strengthening 

Advance combined strengthening and functional exercises 


Reverse bridging 

Pull to stand

Pull to sit 

Bottom lifting (using push up bar 

Throwing ball high Sitting 

Standing and kneeling 

Sit to stand high-level chair to low-level chair 

Squatting to standing 

Mini squat (wall supported ) 

High Sitting 


High Sitting to standing 

Catch and throw 

Reach out in a different direction 

Get to sit ) floor to high-level chair to low-level chair ) Picking object from the ground and putting on the overhead 


Initially start from the heel Sitting 

Supported kneeling 

Heel Sitting to kneeling 

Kneeling with one hand supported 

Kneeling without supported 

Activity oriented kneeling 

Reach out in kneeling 

Pushing and pulling 

Catch and throw 

Move forward and backwards 

Pivoting in kneeling

Inclined heel Sitting to kneeling  ( use prone wedge )

Lateral reach out in kneeling 

Playing in kneeling 

Half kneeling 

Start from the kneeling 

From kneeling to half kneeling 

Move one leg forward and keeping another leg on kneel position Initial half kneeling support ( caregiver or with some objects) Bilateral half-kneeling supported 

Single hand half-kneeling supported 

Independent half kneeling 

Bloaster oriented half kneeling 

Half kneeling to standing 

Standing oriented exercise 

Back supported standing 

Front support standing 

Step standing 

Stride standing 

One foot standing 

Picking objects from the floor putting on the  overhead

 Play in standing 

Pushing and pulling in standing kicking in standing Marching at one place 

Stepping over stick level 

Ring activity 


Lateral reach out 

Rotation activity 

Push to stand wall supported 

Initially start with stick 

Gait training activity 

Tandem standing 

Crossing obstacle 



Single limb hooping 

Short jump 

Long jump 

Walking on circle figure of 8 walking Waking with holding keeping hand at chest level Walking over foot mark 

Zig zag walking 

Blind folded walking 


Squatting position keep maintain the position Anterior weight shift 

Squatting to standing 

Core muscle strengthening 

Prone extension

One hand reach out 

One hand and one leg reach out 

Prone on hand reach out 


Reach out activity 

Crawling backward forward 


Forward walking 

Backward walking 

Sidewise walking 

Independent walking 


On four-position -- heel sitting -- kneeling -- half-kneeling--standing  ( repeat 5 times each side )

Author: Dr. Akshay Raj Chandra ( Consultant pediatric physiotherapist )

             Senior Pediatric physiotherapist at Continua kids Gurgaon 

           Founder of .. Home-Based Therapy 


 Book your online Consultation: +917827068869 ( LEAVE WHATSAPP MSG )


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